Plant formins homepage

Lotus japonicus formin homologues

Click gene names for details of locus structure and gene prediction, and protein schematic for protein sequence. Gene names on a darker blue (class I) or yellow (class II) background indicate loci that have been published previously (Cvrckova et al., 2004) and their model did not change; orange background indicates changes in predicted gene structure. Gene names on a light blue or light yellow background represent newly found genes from Class I or Class II, respectively, or genes whose models have not been revised yet.

Click here for compilation of protein sequences, as published in Cvrckova et al., 2004.



Genomic sequence(s)

cDNA sequence(s)*






* This is not necessarily a full list, rather a documentation of the data (incl. selected ESTs) used to reconstruct the gene structures back in 2004 or now (exceptions, if any, will be noted in the locus structure pages). Empirically sequenced full-length cDNAs in bold, theoretical gene models in brackets.