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Selected papers on FH2 proteins

I am trying to keep here a reasonably complete chronologically ordered list of plant formin references, with links to free fulltext (if available) or at least to abstracts (which link to fulltext that may become free, or you may be lucky to have subscription).

For non-plant formins, I am trying to assemble a collection of selected newer (mostly post-2004) papers bringing substantial insight into formin evolution or general mechanisms of formin function. (A large list of references to pre-2004 literature can be found in the Cvrckova et al., 2004 BMC Genomics paper.)

If you feel that your (or someone elses) paper should be included, please let me know (and do not take it personally, please).

Plant formins

Non-plant formins

... to be continued

Last updated January 03, 2006