Přednáška z Anatomie a fyziologie rostlin
datum |
18.10.2011 |
přednáší |
Prof. Dorota Kwiatkowska (University of Silesia in Katowice, Polsko) |
název |
Morphogenesis at the shoot apex – quantitative approach to plant geometry and growth
anotace |
Growth and geometry of the shoot apex, at which all the shoot parts are generated, are changing both in time and in space. Therefore, in order to fully characterize and understand shoot development, molecular studies of shoot morphogenesis need to be combined with quantitative analysis of geometry and growth. Since plant growth is most often anisotropic and symplastic, i.e. coordinated, for the analysis of growth we employ computational tools of continuum mechanics. This computation is coupled with analysis of local shape (geometry) changes that facilitates early recognition of morphogenetic events. Our approach is combined with genetic studies and also quantitative investigation of cortical microtubule arrangement. The latter, known to affect cell wall mechanics, is postulated as one of links between genes and growth.
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