European Plant Cytoskeletal Club 2018

Date: June 21-22, 2018. Meeting will start at 9:00 on June 21, 2018.

Venue: Faculty of Science, Charles University

Address: Lecture hall “Fotochemie”, Viničná 7, Prague 2, Czech Republic

Talks and posters: Talks will be 20 min long, discussion 10 min. Posters: poster boards will be available in the corridor in front of the lecture hall, in the coffee breaks area. Poster session will be also included into the program of lectures as a flash talks* session. Poster presenters will be asked to introduce shortly (max 5 min) their poster, either using 1-2 PowerPoint slides, or directly using their paper poster, which will be placed on the stage. A short discussion will follow; further discussion will be possible during coffee breaks by posters.

Coffee breaks will be organized in front of the lecture hall.

Lunch: there are many restaurants in the vicinity of the Faculty of Science; a list of recommended restaurants will be provided during the meeting.

This meeting has no conference fee. For the purpose of a conference dinner organization, a small amount of money may be collected during the conference from those participants, who will be interested to participate the conference dinner. Conference dinner will be organized on Thursday, June 21 evenings.

Accommodation: The conference venue is located in a close vicinity of the Prague city center with rich accommodation possibilities. Most hotels are available through on-line booking services. We ask attendees to book the accommodation, which fits their requirements.

Deadline: The EPCC 2018 meeting is very informal. We ask those, who are interested to attended, to send this information to Katerina Schwarzerova ( e-mail. We ask those, who would like to have a talk or poster, to send the following information:

-talk or poster


-authors and affiliations

to e-mail not later than June 1, 2018. This information will be used to compile the meeting program, which will be sent to participants.

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